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25 April 2014

I’ve worked with SOLR for almost two years now and I’m still impressed by its’ possibilities, and the Data Import Handler makes SOLR even more exciting (you can even think it’s creepy, but I really enjoy working with DIH).

For those of you who are not familiar with the topic a quick explanation. SOLR is a powerful open-source search engine developed by Apache. It allows you to create collections of documents which can then be queried to quickly retrieve accurate search results. The Data Import Handler is used to efficiently create and update collections of documents used by SOLR.

As the SOLR wiki is very well written and there are some tutorials out there on this topic I won’t go into the details of implementing these tools. However I want to share some findings I made when working with DIH. I hope this will help someone solve a problem quicker (and it’s probably going to be me at some point).

Be careful when using the ScriptTransformer

When fetching rows of data using DIH you can use different Transformers to prepare the data the way you need. Especially interesting is the ScriptTransformer which enables you to run JavaScript code to manipulate a row of data before persisting it as a document. In my case I needed to create dynamic fields with both the field name and the field value taken from the database.

I created a dead simple function to achieve the goal:

    function addDynamicField(row) {
        var dynamicColumn = "field_" + row.get('field_key');
        row.put(dynamicColumn, row.get('field_value'));
        return row;

<entity name="myField" transformer="script:addDynamicField" query="..."></entity>

I ran the import and… whoops… Instead of around 1 minute it took more than 2 hours to complete! In our setup we were supposed to rebuild the collection every 15 minutes so this was not acceptable. Even on the production box it was taking way to many minutes. You might have already guessed that using Javascript was the culprit here (I’m not really good at suspense). It turned out the JS function is not interpreted once during the import but separately for each document processed. Fortunately there was an easy solution. Instead of using the ScriptTransformer I used a regular transformer which utilises a Java class.

package my.solr.transformer;

import java.util.Map;

public class FieldTransformer {
    public Object transformRow(Map<String, Object> row) {
        row.put("field_"+row.get("field_key"), row.get("field_value"));
        return row;
<entity name="myField" transformer="my.solr.transformer.FieldTransformer" query="..."></entity>

The import took now again less than a minute. In our database we had around 5M records which needed to be transformed by the script. This doesn’t seem to be that much, yet the ScriptTransformer just couldn’t handle the load.

Avoid nulls when using TemplateTransformer

TemplateTransformer is another one of the family of Transformers you can apply to your field. It allows you to modify the value of the field according to a given template. (another surprise!) One important thing is to avoid fetching empty fields when using this transformer. Normally DIH would just ignore the field and skip adding it to the document, but when it’s used in the template it will throw an error.

So to avoid the problem, if you use something like this:

<entity name="category" query="..." transformer="TemplateTransformer">
    <field name="category_name"           column="c_name" />
    <field name="main_category_name"      column="mc_name" />
    <field name="category_name_with_main" column="c_name_wm"  
        template="${category.c_name}_${category.mc_name}" />

Make sure that the c_name and mc_name columns are not null.

Using the CachedSqlEntityProcessor

The CachedSqlEntityProcessor is a great way of keeping the database calls limited. For example, when fetching all the products from a database and assigning the category name to each product, if you use CachedSqlEntityProcessor then DIH will make just one call to the database to get all the categories and use the cached data aafterwards. You have to specify a proper key so that the engine knows how to find the relevant values:

<entity name="product" query="SELECT product_id, category_id FROM Products">
    <field name="id" column="product_id" />
    <entity name="category" query="SELECT id AS c_id FROM Categories" 
        processor="CachedSqlEntityProcessor" where="c_id=product.category_id">
        <field name="category_name" column="name" />

Note that there is no WHERE part in the query - you specify the condition used to match products and categories in the where parameter of the <entity> tag.

An important thing to remember: the columns used to match the values must have the same types (the category_id in `Products` and id in `Categories`in this example). If the types are different (e.g. one column uses unsigned integers and the other signed) a mismatch can happen inside Java and you will see a ClassCastException - “type cannot be cast to type”.

To sum up

These are of course only some tips for people who would run into troubles I’ve already had. I hope that you didn’t expect me to write a tutorial on using DIH with SOLR ;) (you must feel really disappointed now if you did) I encourage you to leave comments so that my future posts are just a tiny bit better.

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